Monday, 28 September 2015

Medical Terminology - Root, Suffix & Prefix of the Letters E, F, G, H, I, J, K & L

eal                                           pertaining to
ec-                                           out; outside
echin/o                                  spiny, prickly
echo-                                      reflected sound
-ectasia                                  dilation; dilatation; widening
-ectasis                                  dilation; dilatation; widening
ecto-                                       out; outside
ectro/o                                   congenital absence
-ectomy                                 removal; excision; resection
-edema                                  swelling
eight                                       octa-, octi-
-elasma                                  flat plate
electr/o                                  electricity
ele/o                                       oil
em-                                         in
-ema                                       condition
embolo/o                               embolus
embry/o                                 embryo
-emesis                                  vomiting
-emia                                      blood condition
-emic                                      pertaining to blood condition
emmetr/o                               in due measure
-emphraxis                           stoppage, obstruction
en-                                          in; within
enanti/o                                 opposite, opposed
encephal/o                           brain
end-                                        in; within
endo-                                     in; within
enter/o                                   intestines (usually small intestine)
eosin/o                                  red; rosy; dawn-colored
epi-                                         above; upon; on
epididym/o                           epididymis
epiglott/o                               epiglottis
episi/o                                    vulva
epitheli/o                               skin; epithelium
equi-                                       equality, equal
equin/o                                  horse
-er                                           one who
erg/o                                       work
erethism/o                            irritation
erythem/o                             flushed; redness
erythr/o                                  red
eschar/o                                scab
-esis                                       action; condition; state of
eso-                                        inward
esophag/o                            esophagus
esthes/o                                nervous sensation
esthesi/o                               nervous sensation
-esthesia                               nervous sensation
estr/o                                      female
ethm/o                                   sieve
eti/o                                        cause
eu-                                          good; normal
-eurysm                                 widening
ex-                                           out; away from
exanthemat/o                       rash
exo-                                        out; away from
extra-                                      outside
faci/o                                    face
-facient                                 to cause, make happen
fasci/o                                  fascia (membrane supporting muscles)
febr/i                                     fever
femor/o                                femur (thigh bone)
-ferent                                  to carry
ferr/i, ferr/o                          iron
fet/o                                      fetus
fibr/o                                     fiber
fibros/o                                fibrous connective tissue
fibul/o                                   fibula
-fication                               process of making
-fida                                      split
fil/i, fil/o, filament/o            threat, threadlike
five                                        pent-, penta-, quinque-
flav/o                                    yellow
flex/o                                    to bend
fluor/o                                  luminous
follicul/o                               follicle; small sac
fore-                                      before, in front
-form                                     resembling; in the shape of
four                                       quadri, tetra-
fovea/o                                 small pit or depression
frig/o, frigid/o                      cold
funct/o                                 performance
fung/i                                    fungus; mushroom (organism lacking chlorophyll)
furc/o                                    forking; branching
fusc/o                                   dark brown
-fusion                                 to pour; to come together
galact/o                       milk
ganglion/o                  ganglion; collection of nerve cell bodies
gastr/o                         stomach
gel/o                             to freeze, congeal
gemell/o                      twins
-gen                             substance that produces
-genesis                      producing; forming
-genic                          produced by or in
geni/o                          chin
genit/o                         reproduction
ge/o                              earth, soil
ger/o                            old age
geront/o                      old age
gest/o                          pregnancy
gester/o                      pregnancy
gigant/o                      huge
gingiv/o                       gum
glauc/o                        gray
gli/o                              glial cells; neuroglial cells
-globin                         protein
-globulin                     protein
glomerul/o                  glomerulus
gloss/o                        tongue
gluc/o                          glucose; sugar
glyc/o                          glucose; sugar
glycogen/o                 glycogen; animal starch
glycos/o                      glucose; sugar
gnath/o                       jaw
gnos/o                         knowledge
gon/o                           seed
gonad/o                      sex glands
goni/o                          angle
-grade                          to go
-gram                           record
granul/o                      granule(s)
-graph                         instrument for recording
graph/o                       writing
-graphy                       process of recording
gravid/o                      pregnancy
-gravida                      pregnant woman
gynec/o                       woman; female
gyr/o                            circle, spiral
half                                    demi, hemi, semi
hallucin/o                         hallucination
hapl/o                               simple, single
helc/o                                ulcer
heli/o                                 sun
-helminth                         worm
hem/o                               blood
hemat/o                            blood
hemi-                                 half
hemoglobin/o                 hemoglobin
hepat/o                             liver
heredo-                            heredity
herni/o                              hernia
-hexia                                habit
hidr/o                                sweat
hirsut/o                             hairy
hirund/i                             leech
hist/o                                 tissue
histi/o                                tissue
holo-                                 entire, complete
home/o                             sameness; unchanging; constant
hormon/o                         hormone
hymen/o                           hymen
humer/o                           humerous
hydr/o                               water
hygr/o                               moisture
hyper-                               above; excessive
hypn/o                              sleep
hypo-                                deficient; below; under; less than normal
hypophys/o                    pituitary gland
hypothalam/o                 hypothalamus
hypsi-                               high
hyster/o                            uterus; womb
ia                          condition
-iac                       pertaining to
-iasis                    abnormal condition
iatr/o                    physician; treatment
-ic                         pertaining to
-ical                      pertaining to
ichthy/o              dry; scaly
-ician                   specialist
-icle                      small
ide/o                    idea, mental images
idi/o                      unknown; individual; distinct
ile/o                      ileum
ili/o                       ilium
immun/o             immune; protection; safe
in-                         in; into; not
-in                         a substance, chemical, chemical compound
-ine                       a substance, chemical, chemical compound
-ine                       pertaining to
infra-                    below; inferior to; beneath
inguin/o              groin
insulin/o             insulin (pancreatic hormone)
inter-                    between
intra-                    within; into
iod/o                    iodine
ion/o                    ion; to wander
-ion                      process
-ior                       pertaining to
ipsi-                      same
ir-                          in
ir/o                        iris (colored portion of eye)
irid/o                    iris (colored portion of eye)
is/o                       same; equal
isch/o                  to hold back; back
ischi/o                 ischium (part of hip bone)
-ism                      process; condition
-ist                        specialist
ithy-                     erect, straight
-itis                       inflammation
-ium                     structure; tissue
ixod/i                   ticks
juxta-                                                                    near
jaund/o                                                                yellow
jejun/o                                                                 jejunum
kal/i                     potassium
kary/o                 nucleus
kel/o                    tumor, fibrous growth
kerat/o                cornea; hard, horny tissue
keraun/o            lightning
kern-                   nucleus (collection of nerve cells in the brain)
ket/o                    ketones; acetones
keton/o               ketones; acetones
kines/o               movement
kinesi/o              movement
-kinesis              movement
klept/o                to steal
koil/o                   hollow, concave, depressed
kraur/o               dry
kym/o                 waves
kyph/o                humpback
labile                            unstable, perishable
labi/o                           lip
lacrim/o                       tear; tear duct; lacrimal duct
lact/o                           milk
lal/o, -lalia                   speech, babble
lamin/o                        lamina
lampr/o                       clear
lapar/o                         abdominal wall; abdomen
-lapse                          to slide, fall, sag
laryng/o                      larynx (voice box)
later/o                          side
lecith/o                        yolk, ovum
lei/o                              smooth
leiomy/o                      smooth (visceral) muscle
-lemma                        sheath; covering
lepid/o                         plakes, scales
lepr/o                           leprosy
-lepsy                          seizure
lept/o                           thin, slender
-leptic                          to seize, take hold of
leth/o                           death
leuk/o                          white
levo-                            left
lex/o                             word; phrase
-lexia                            word; phrase
lien/o                           spleen
ligament/o                  ligament
ligat/o                          binding, tying
lim/o                             hunger
lingu/o                         tongue
lip/o                              fat; lipid
-lipsis                          omit, fail
-listhesis                     condition of stones
lith/o                            stone, calculus
-lithotomy                   incision (for removal) of a stone
lob/o                            lobe
logad/o                       whites of the eyes
-logist                          specialist
log/o                            study
-logy                            study (process of)
loph/o                          ridge
lord/o                           curve; swayback
lox/o                            oblique, slanting
-lucent                         to shine
lumb/o                         lower back; loin
lumin/o                        light
lute/o                           yellow
lux/o                            to slide
lymph/o                      lymph
ly/o                              to dissolve, loosen
lymphaden/o             limph gland (node)
lymphangi/o              lymph vessel
-lysis                          breakdown; separation; destruction; loosening

-lytic                           to reduce, destroy, separate; breakdown