Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Medical Terminology - Root, Suffix & Prefix of the Letter A, B, C & D


a-                            no; not; without
an-                         no; not; without
ab-                         away from
abdomin/o           abdomen
-ac                          pertaining to
acanth/o               spiny; thorny
acar/o                    mites
acetabul/o            acetabulum (hip socket)
acous/o                hearing
acoust/o               hearing, sound
acr/o                      extremities; top; extreme point
acromi/o               acromion (extension of shoulder bone)
actin/o                   light
acu/o                     sharp; severe; sudden
-acusis                  hearing
ad-                         toward
-ad                         toward
aden/o                  gland
adenoid/o            adenoids
adip/o                    fat
adren/o                 adrenal gland
adrenal/o              adrenal gland
aer/o                      air
af-                           toward
agglutin/o            clumping; sticking together
-agogue                producer, leader
-agon                    to assemble; gather
agora-                   marketplace
-agra                      excessive pain
-al                           pertaining to
alb/o                      white
albin/o                   white
albumin/o             albumin (protein)
alges/o                  sensitivity to pain
-algesia                 sensitivity to pain
-algia                     pain
all/o                        other
alveol/o                 alveolus; air sac; small sac
ambi-                     around, on both sides, about
ambly/o                dim; dull
amphi-                  around, on both sides
-amine                   nitrogen compound
ammon/o              ammonium
amni/o                   amnion (sac surrounding the embryo)
amyl/o                   starch
an/o                       anus
-an                         pertaining to
ana-                       up; apart; backward; again; anew
andr/o                   male
aneurysm/o         aneurysm (widening of blood vessel)
angi/o                    vessel (blood)
anis/o                    unequal
ankyl/o                  stiff
ante-                      before; forward
anter/o                  front
anthrac/o             coal
anthr/o                  antrum of the stomach
anti-                       against
anxi/o                    uneasy; anxious
aort/o                    aorta (largest artery)
-apheresis           removal
aphth/o                 ulcer
apo-                       off; away
aponeur/o            aponeurosis (type of tendon)
append/o             appendix
appendic/o          appendix
aque/o                  water
-ar                          pertaining to
arachn/o               spider
-arche                   beginning
arsenic/o              arsenic
arter/o                   artery
arteri/o                  artery
arteriol/o               arteriole (small artery)
arthr/o                   joint
-arthria                  articulate (speak distinctly)
articul/o                joint
-artresia                closure, occlusion
atreto-                   closed, lacking an opening
-ary                        pertaining to
asbest/o               asbestos
-ase                       enzyme
aspir/o                  removal
-assay                   to examine, analyze
-asthenia              lack of strength
astr/o                     star, star-shaped
aque/o                  water
atel/o                     incomplete
ather/o                  plaque (fatty substance)
-ation                     process; condition
atri/o                      atrium (upper heart chamber)
atmo-                     steam, vapor
audi/o                    hearing
audit/o                  hearing
aur/o                      ear
auricul/o               ear
auscult/o              to listen
aut/o                      self; own
aut-                        self; own
auto-                      self; own
aux/o                     growth, acceleration
axill/o                    armpit
axi/o                      axis
azot/o                    urea; nitrogen

bacill/o                   bacilli (bacteria)
bacteri/o                bacteria
balan/o                   glans penis
bar/o                       pressure; weight
bartholin/o            Bartholin glands
bary-                       weight, pressure
-basia                     walking
bas/o                      base; opposite of acid
batho-, bathy-      deep, depth
bi-                            two
bi/o                          life
bil/i                          bile; gall
bilirubin/o              bilirubin
-blast                      embryonic; immature cell
-blastoma              immature tumor (cells)
blenn/o                  mucus
blephar/o               eyelid
bol/o                       cast; throw
-boulia                    will
brachi/o                 arm
brachy-                  short
brady-                    slow
brom/o                   bromine-containing compound, odor
bronch/o               bronchial tube
bronchi/o              bronchial tube
bronchiol/o           bronchiole
bucc/o                    cheek
bunion/o                bunion
burs/o                    bursa (sac of fluid near joints)
byssin/o                cotton dust
cac/o                                       bad
calc/o                                      calcium
calcane/o                               calcaneus (heel bone)
calci/o                                     calcium
calcul/o, -calculia                to compute
cali/o                                       calyx
calic/o                                     calyx
calor/i                                     heat
campt/o                                  bent
capillar/o                                capillary (tiniest blood vessel)
capn/o                                    carbon dioxide
-capnia                                   carbon dioxide
caps/o, capsul/o                  capsule, container
carcin/o                                  cancerous; cancer
cari/o                                      caries, rottenness
cardi/o                                    heart
carp/o                                     wrist bones (carpals)
cata-                                        down
-cataphasia                           affirmation
cathar/o, cathart/o               cleansing, purging
-cathisia, -kathisia               sitting
caud/o                                    tail; lower part of body
caus/o                                    burn; burning
cauter/o                                 heat; burn
cav/o, cavit/o                        hollow, cavity
cec/o                                       cecum (first part of colon)
-cele                                        hernia
celi/o                                       belly; abdomen
-centesis                                surgical puncture to remove fluid
centr/o                                    center
cephal/o                                 head
cerebell/o                              cerebellum (posterior part of the brain)
cerebr/o                                 cerebrum (largest part of the brain)
cerumin/o                              cerumen
cervic/o                                  neck; cervix (neck of uterus)
-chalasia                                relaxation
-chalasis                                relaxation
cheil/o                                    lip
chem/o                                   drug; chemical
-chezia                                   defacation; elimination of wastes
chir/o                                      hand
chlor/o                                    green
chlorhydr/o                           hydrochloric acid
chol/e                                     bile; gall
cholangi/o                             bile; vessel
cholecyst/o                           gallbladder
choledoch/o                         common bile duct
cholesterol/o                        cholesterol
chondr/o                                cartilage
chore/o                                  dance
chori/o                                    chorion (outermost membrane of the fetus)
chorion/o                               chorion
choroid/o                               choroid layer of eye
-chroia                                    skin coloration
chrom/o                                 color
chron/o                                  time
chrys/o                                   gold
chyl/o                                     chyle
chym/o                                   to pour
cib/o                                        meal
-cide                                        killing
-cidal                                       pertaining to killing
cine/o                                     movement
circum-                                   around
cirrh/o                                     orange-yellow
cis/o                                        to cut
-clasis                                     to break
-clast                                       to break
claustr/o                                enclosed space
clavicul/o                               clavicle (collar bone)
cleid/o                                    clavicle
clin/o                                       to slope, bend
-clysis                                     irragation; washing
coagul/o                                coagulation (clotting)
-coccus                                  berry-shaped bacterium
coccyg/o                               coccyx (tail bone)
cochle/o                                 cochlea (inner part of ear)
-coimesis                               sleeping
col/o                                        colon (large intestine)
coll/a                                       glue
colon/o                                   colon (large intestine)
colp/o                                     vagina
comat/o                                  deep sleep
comi/o                                    to care for
-coma                                     deep sleep
con-                                        together; with
coni/o                                     dust
conjunctiv/o                         conjuctiva (lines of eyelids)
consci/o                                 awareness, aware
constrict/o                             narrowing, binding
-constriction                         narrowing
contra-                                   against; opposite
contus/o                                to bruise
cor/o                                       pupil
core/o                                     pupil
corne/o                                  cornea
coron/o                                  heart
corpor/o                                 body
cortic/o                                   cortex, outer region
cost/o                                     rib
cox/o                                      hip
crani/o                                    skull
cras/o                                     mixture; temperament
crin/o                                      secrete
-crine                                      to secrete; separate
-crit                                          to separtate
critic/o                                    crisis, dangerous
cry/o                                       cold
crypt/o                                    hidden
cubit/o                                    elbow, forearm
culd/o                                     cul-de-sac
cupr/o                                     copper
-cusis                                     hearing
cutane/o                                skin
cyan/o                                    blue
cycl/o                                      ciliary body of eye; cycle; circle
-cyesis                                   pregnancy
cyst/o                                     urinary bladder; cyst; sac of fluid
cyt/o                                        cell
-cyte                                        cell
-cytosis                                  condition of cells; slight increase in numbers
dacry/o                       tear
dacryoaden/o           tear gland
dacryocyst/o            tear sac; lacriman sac
dactyl/o                      fingers; toes
de-                               lack of; down; less; removal of
dem/o                         people
dent/i                           tooth
derm/o                        skin
-derma                        skin
dermat/o                    skin
desicc/o                     drying
-desis                          to bind; tie together
dextr/o                        right
dia-                              complete; through
diaphor/o                   sweat
-dilation                      widening; stretching; expanding
dilat/o                          to enlarge, expand
dipl/o                           double
dips/o                         thirst
dis-                              apart, to separate
dist/o                           far; distant
dolich/o                      long
dolor/o                        pain
dors/o                         back (of body)
dorsi-                          back
-dote                           to give
-drome                        to run
duct/o                         to lead; carry
duoden/o                   duodenum
dur/o                           dura mater
dynam/o                     power, strength
-dynia                         pain
dys-                            bad: painful: difficult: abnormal

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