Monday, 7 March 2016

Three Functions of the Muscles

Smooth Muscle - Found in the walls of most organs. They carry out the actions that we don't have to think about. (Like breathing, or the expansion and contraction of the lungs)

Skeletal Muscle - This is the most well-know muscle. It is used to move the bones in the body. It is found almost everywhere in the body.

Cardiac Muscle - The function is to keep the heart beating. It is found only in the heart.

Producing Movement, Maintaining Posture and Body Position, Stabilizing Joints and Generating Heat

Sunday, 6 March 2016


# The right atrium (RA) receives oxygen-poor blood from all tissues, except the lungs, throughthe superior and inferior venae cavae. Blood flows out of the RA through the tricuspid valve intothe right ventricle.

# The right ventricle (RV) pumps the oxygen-poor blood through the pulmonary semilunar valve
and into the pulmonary artery, which carries it to the lungs.

# The left atrium (LA) receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs through the four pulmonary
veins. The blood flows out of the LA, through the mitral valve, and into the left ventricle.

# The left ventricle (LV) receives oxygen-rich blood from the left atrium. Blood flows out of the LVthrough the aortic semilunar valve and into the aorta, which carries it to all parts of the body,except the lungs.

# Oxygen-poor blood is returned by the venae cavae to the right atrium and the cycle 

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Endocrine System - Abbreviation

NIDDM—non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
LH—luteinizing hormone
IDDM—insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
FSH—follicle stimulating hormone
TSH—thyroid stimulating hormone
TFT—thyroid function test
MSH—melanocyte stimulating hormone
FBS—fasting blood sugar
BMR—basal metabolic rate
ACTH—adrenocorticotropic hormone
ADH—antidiuretic hormone
NPH—neutral protamine hagedorn
PBI—protein bound iodine
DM—diabetes mellitus
RAI—radioactive iodine
PTH—parathyroid hormone
GTT—glucose tolerance test
GH—growth hormone
DI—diabetes insipidus

Sense Organs - Abbreviation

AD—Right Ear
AS—Left Ear
AU—Both Ears
OD—Right Eye
OS—Left Eye
OU—Both Eyes
ECCE—Extra Capsular Cataract Extraction
IOL—Intraoccular Lens
ENT—Ear Nose Throat
HEENT—Head Eyes Ears Nose & Throat
PERRLA—Pupils Equal Round Reactive to Light & Accomodation
AOM—Acute Otitis Media
BSOM—Bilateral Serous Otitis Media
CSOM—Chronic Serous Otitis Media
PE tube—Pressure Equalization Tubes
ADHD—Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
DT—Delirium Tremors
MDD—Major Depressive Disorder
PTSD—Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
SAD—Seasonal Affective Disorder
OCD—Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

TD—Tardive Dyskinesia

Blood System - Abbreviation

ABMT—autologous bone marrow transplantation
ABO—four main types of blood -A, B, AB, O
ALL—acute lymphocytic leukemia
ANC—absolute neutrophil count
ASCT—autologous stem cell transplantation
Bands—Immature white blood cells
BMT—bone marrow transplantation
CBC—complete blood count
CLL—chronic lymphocytic leukemia
CML—chronic myelogenous leukemia
DIC—disseminated intravascular coagulation
Diff—differential count
EBV—Epstein-Barr virus
ESR—erythrocyte sedimentation rate
G-CSF—granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
GM-CSF—granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
g/dL—gram per deciliter
GVHD—graft-versus-host disease
HCL—hairy cell leukemia
Hgb, HGB—hemoglobin
H and H—hemoglobin and hematocrit
HLA—human leukocyte antigen
IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM—immunoglobulins
MCH—mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCHC—mean corpuscular hemoglobin consentration
MCV—mean corpuscular volume
MDS—myelodysplastic syndrome
mm3—cubic millimeter
polys, PMNs, PMNLs—polymorphonuclear leukocytes
PT, pro time—prothrombin time
PTT—partial thromboplastin time
RBC—red blood cell; red blood cell count
sedrate—erythrocyte sedimentation rate
segs—segmented, mature white blood cells
SMAC—Sequential Multiple Analyzer
mL note different way of writing m—microliter
WBC—white blood cells; white blood cell count

WNL—within normal limits

Digestion System - Abbreviation

ABC—aspiration biopsy cytology
alk phos—alkaline phosphatase
ALT—alanine aminotransferase
AST—angiotensin sensitivity
BE—barium enema
BM—bowel movement
BMI—body mass index
CF—cystic fibrosis
CT—computed tomography
ERCP—endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
GBS—gallbladder series (x-ray studies)
GER—gastroesophageal reflux
GERD—gastroesophageal reflux disease
HAV—hepatitis A virus
HBV—hepatitis B virus
HCV—hepatitis C virus
HDV—hepatitis D virus
HEV—hepatitis E virus
IBS—irritable bowel syndrome
LFT—liver function test
PE—physical examination; pulmonary embolism
PTHC—percutaneous transhepatic cholangeography
stat, STAT—immediately
PMH—past medical history
PUD—peptic ulcer disease
RGB—Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
R/O—rule out
a.c.—before meals
b.i.d.—twice a day
hs—half strength
h.s.—at bedtime
NPO, n.p.o.—nothing by mouth
pc, p.c.—afer meals
p.o.—by mouth
p.r.n.—as required
qAM—every morning
q.d.—every day
q.h.—every hour
q.2h.—every 2 hours
q.i.d.—four times a day
q.o.d.—every other day
qPM—every evening

t.i.d.—three times a day

Lymphatic System - Abbreviation

HD—hodgkin disease
PI—protease inhibitor
ELISA—enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
KS—kaposi sarcoma
PCP—pneumocystis pneumonia
HIV—human immunodeficiency virus
AIDS—acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
NHL—non-hodgkin lymphoma

HSV—herpes simplex virus

Urinary System - Abbreviation

ADHantidiuretic hormone-vasopressin
ARFacute renal failure
BUNblood urea nitrogen
CAPDcontinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
Cathcatheter, catheterization
CCPDcontinuous cycling peritoneal dialysis
CKDchronic kidney disease-serum creatinine and BUN levels rise
Clchloride-electrolyte excreted by the kidney
CRCLcreatinine clearance; also known as CrCl or CLcr
CRFchronic renal failure-progressive loss of kidney function
C&Sculture and sensitivity testing-determine antibiotic effectiveness against bacteria grown from a patient's urine specimen
Cystocystoscopic examination
ESRDend-stage renal disease
ESWLextrcorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
GFRglomerular filtration rate
HCO3---bicarbonate- an electrolyte conserved by the kidney
ICinterstitial cystitis-chronic inflammation of the bladder wall
K+--potassium-an electrolyte
KUBkidney, ureter, and bladder
Na+--sodium-an electrolyte
PDperitoneal dialysis
pHpotential hydrogen; scale to indicate degree of acidity or alkalinity
PKDpolycystic kidney disease
PULpercutaneous ultrasonic lithotripsy
RPretrograde pyelogram
spgrspecific gravity
UTIurinary tract infection

VCUGvoiding cystourethrogram

Female Reproductive System - Abbreviation

ASCUS—atypical squamous cells of unknown significance
AUB—abnormal uterine bleeding
BRCA1&2—breast cancer 1 and 2
BSE—breast self-examination
CA—125 protein marker test for ovarian cancer
C-section—cesearian section
CIN—cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
CIS—carcinoma in situ
CS—cesarean section
CVS—chorionic villus sampling
D&C—dilation & curettage
DCIS—Ductal Carcinoma in Situ
DUB—dysfunctional uterine bleeding
ECC—endocervical curettage
EDC--estimated date of confinement
EMB—endometrial biopsy
FHR—fetal heart rate
FSH—follicle-stimulating hormone
GnRH—gonadotropin-releasing hormone
HCG—human chorionic gonadotropin
HDN—hemolytic disease of newborn
HPV—human papillomavirus
HRT—hormone replacement therapy
IUD—intrauterine device
IVF—in vitro fertilization
LAVH—laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy
LEEP—loop electrocautery excision procedure
LH—luteinizing hormone
LMP—last menstrual period
LSH—laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy
OCPs—oral contraceptive pills
Para—2-0-1-2 a womens reproductive history; 2 full term pregnancy, 0 preterm, 1 abortion, 2 living children.
Pap—test papanicolaou smear
PID—pelvic inflammatory disease
PMS—premenstrual syndrome
RDS—respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn
SLN—biopsy sentinel lymph node biopsy
TAH-BSO—total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
TRAM—flap trans-rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap, used for breast reconstruction
UAE—uterine artery embolization

VH—vaginal hysterectomy

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Musculoskeletal System - Abbreviation

AEabove elbow
AKabove knee
BDTbone density testing
BEbelow elbow
BKbelow knee
BMDbone mineral density
C1,C2, etcfirst cervical vertebrae, second cervical vertebrae, etc
CTScarpal tunnel syndrome
DJD--degenerative joint disease
DTRdeep tendon reflex
DXAdual energy absorptiometry
HNPherniated nucleus polposus
JRAjuvenile rheumatoid arthritis
L1,L2,etcfirst lumbar vertebrae, second lumbar vertebrae etc
LLEleft lower extremity
LUEleft upper extremity
MDmuscular dystrophy
NSAIDnon steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
ORIFopen reduction internal fixation
RArheumatoid arthritis
RLEright lower extremity
RUE--right upper extremity
T1,T2, etc—first thoracic vertebrae, second thoracic vertebrae etc
THAtotal hip arthroplasty
THRtotal hip replacement
TKAtotal knee arthroplasty

TKRtotal knee replacement

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Cardio Vascular System - Abbreviation

AAAabdominal aortic aneurysm
ACE inhibitorangiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
ACLSadvanced cardiac life support; CPR plus drugs and defibrillation
ACSacute coronary syndrome
ADPadenosine diphosphate; ADP blockers are used to prevent cardiovascular-related death, heart attack, and strokes and after all stent procedure
AEDautomatic external defibrillator
AF, a-fibatrial fibrillation
AICDautomatic implantable cardioverter- defibrillator
AMIacute myocardial infarction
ARVDarrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
ASaortic stenosis
ASDatrial septal defect
AV, A-Vatrioventricular
AVRaortic valve replacement
BBBbundle branch block
BNPbrain natriuretic peptide; elevated in congestive heart failure
BPblood pressure
CABGcoronary artery bypass grafting
CADcoronary artery disease
CCUcoronary care unit
CHF--congestive heart failure
CK—creatine kinase; released into the bloodstream after injury to the heart or skeletal muscles
CoAcoarctation of the aorta
CPRcardiopulmonar  resuscitation
CRTcardia  resynchronization therapy; biventricular pacing
CTNI or CTNTcardiac troponin-I and cardiac troponin-T; troponin is a protein released into the bloodstream after myocardial injury
DESdrug-eluting stent
DSAdigital subtraction angiography
DVTdeep vein thrombosis
ECMOextracorporeal membrane oxygenation
ECG or EKGelectrocardiography
EFejection fraction; measure of the amount of blood that pumps out of the heart with each beat
EPSelectrophysiology study; electrode catheters are inserted into veins and threaded into the heart and electrical conduction is measured
ETTexercise tolerance test
ETT-MIBIexercise tolerance test combined with a radioactive tracer scan
HDL—high-density lipoprotein; high blood levels are associated with lower incidence of coronary artery disease
HTN—hypertension (high blood pressure)
IABPintra-aortic balloon pump; used to support patients in cardiogenic shock
LADleft anterior descending (coronary artery)
LDLlow-density lipoprotein
LMWP—low-molecular weight heparin
LVleft ventricle
LVADleft ventricular assist device
LVHleft ventricular hypertrophy
MImyocardial infarction
MRmitral regurgitation
MUGAmultiple-gated acquisition scan; a radioactive test of heart function
MVPmitral valve prolapse
NSRnormal sinus rhythm
NSTEMInon-ST elevation myocardial infarction
PACpremature atrial contraction
PADperipheral arterial disease
PCIpercutaneous coronary intervention
PDApatentductus arteriosus; posterior descending artery
PVCpremature ventricular contraction
SA; S-A nodesinoatrial node
SCDsudden cardiac death
SOBshortness of breath
SPECTsingle photon emission computed tomography; used for myocardial imaging with sestamibi scans
SSCPsubsternal chest pain
STEMIST elevation myocardial infarction
SVT—supraventricular tachycardia; rapid heartbeats arising from the atria and causing palpitations, SOB, and dizziness
TEEtransesophageal echocardiography
TGAtransposition of the great arteries
tPAtissue-type plasminogen activator; a drug used to prevent thrombosis
UAunstable angina; chest pain at rest or of increasing frequency
VFventricular fibrillation
VSDventricular septal defect
VTventricular tachycardia
WPWWolff-Parkinson-White syndrome; an abnormal ECG pattern often associated with paroxysmal tachycardia