Thursday, 17 December 2015

Survival is not Easy!

I have been a victim of domestic crisis for many years yet, I found it is the most hard thing to claim for protection not only in my country but also in other countries. Why? this is the question I couldn't answer in the past perhaps never in future.

I asked protection from many international non - profit organizations but all claimed not to accept individual claims for protection and I always wondered how then? In my home country, non-profit organizations just work for their own benefits or more simply for popularity, and the person in need just wandering in the middle of nowhere. Some individuals are afraid of losing their dignity as well as the family's, and scarifies their lives silently. If you raise a voice and belong to a middle or poor class family, the best they can do is to murder the victim by creating dramas to the poor soul. 

I survived, God knows how? Many years struggling all alone,  my parents and siblings knew that I am right, were against me and my actions for survival. The main reason if I could ever find was, It's a shame to our family. They saw me suffering but not ready to help me. They are afraid of society and the person I was married to. 

And I question, Who are going to give me back those years of my life? Depression, stress, frustration that I was carrying at that time, has affected me tremendously, but, I survived. The main reason I could believe is "hope". When you have hope, when you have courage and when you know you are right, it gives you power and energy to struggle for the truth to find and you are not afraid of being killed or survived at the end. You aim leads you to "do or die", or "now or never". I was in both situation. 

I lives now abroad, but my kids still back their in my home country, I want to have them here with me every bit of second and yet, the question arises again, how? If you ask me "what do you mean how?
My answer could sound silly to you... their passports...

My family still afraid of their father, and he has the passports.. Belonging to a country and family where women does not have any rights, leaves you in the middle of nowhere... But you still have courage to struggle.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Medical Terminology - Root, Suffix & Prefix of the Letters S, T, U, V, W, X, Y & Z

sacchar/o                         sugar
sacr/o                                sacrum
salping/o                          fallopian tube; auditory (eustachian) tube
-salpinx                             fallopian tube; oviduct
sangu/i                              blood
sanit/a                               health
sapr/o                                rotten, decay
sarc/o                                flesh (connective tissue)
scapul/o                            scapula; shoulder blade
-schisis                             to split
schist/o                             split, cleft
schiz/o                              split
sinistr/o                             left
scint/i                                 spark
scirrh/o                             hard
scler/o                               sclera (white of eye)
-sclerosis                         hardening
scolec/o                            worm
scoli/o                               crooked; bent
-scope                               instrument for visual examination
-scopy                               visual examination
scot/o                                darkness
seb/o                                 sebum
sebace/o                           sebum
sect/o                                to cut
semi-                                  half
semin/i                              semen; seed
-sepsis                              putrefaction
seps/o                               infection
sept/o                                partition
ser/o                                  serum, serous
seven                                hepta-, sept-, septi-
sial/o                                  saliva
sialaden/o                        salivary gland
sider/o                               iron
sigmoid/o                         sigmoid colon
silic/o                                 glass
sinus/o                              sinus
-sis                                     state of; condition
sit/o                                    food
six                                      hex-, hexa-, sex-
skelet/o                             skeleton
-sol                                     solution
somat/o                             body
-some                                body
somn/o                              sleep
-somnia                             sleep
son/o                                 sound
-spadia                              to tear; cut
span/o                               scanty, scarce
-spasm                              sudden contraction of muscles
spectr/o                            image, spectrum
sperm/o                            spermatozoa; sperm cells
spermat/o                         spermatozoa; sperm cells
sphen/o                            wedge; sphenoid bone
spher/o                             globe-shaped; round
sphygm/o                         pulse
-sphyxia                            pulse
splanchn/o                       viscera (internal organs)
spin/o                                spine (backbone)
spir/o                                 to breathe
splen/o                              spleen
spondyl/o                         vertebra (backbone)
squam/o                           scale
-stalsis                              contraction
staped/o                           stapes (middle ear bone)
staphyl/o                          clusters; uvula
-stabile                              stable, fixed
-stalsis                              contraction
staped/o                           stapes
-stasis                               to stop; control; place
-stat                                    device/instrument for keeping something stationary
-static                                pertaining to stopping; controlling
steat/o                               fat; sebum
sten/o                                narrowed, constricted
-stenosis                          tightening; stricture
ster/o                                 solid structure; steroid
stere/o                               solid; three-dimensional
stern/o                               sternum (breastbone)
steth/o                               chest
-sthenia                             strength
stich/o                               rows
stigmat/o                          mark, point
-stitial                                 to set; pertaining to standing or positioned
stomat/o                           mouth
-stomia                              condition of the mouth
-stomy                               new opening (to form a mouth)
strept/o                             twisted chains
-stroma                             supporting tissue of an organ
styl/o                                  pole or stake
sub-                                   under; below
submaxill/o                      mandible (lower jaw bone)
succ/o                               juice
sud/o                                 sweat
super-                                above, beyond
-suppression                   to stop
supra-                                above; upper
sym-                                   together; with
symptom/o                       occurrence
syn-                                    together; with
synaps/o, synapt/o        point of contact, to join
syncop/o                          to cut off, cut short; faint
syndesm/o                       ligament
synov/o                             synovia; synovial membrane; sheath around a tendon
syring/o                            tube
system/o                           system
systol/o                             contraction
tachy-                                              fast
tal/o                                                  talus
tars/o                                               tarsus; hindfoot or ankle
tauto-                                               identical, same
tax/o                                                 order; coordination
techn/o                                            skill, art
tel/o                                                  complete
tele/o                                                distant
temp/o, tempor/o                          period of time, the temples
ten                                                    deca-
ten/o                                                tendon
tendin/o                                          tendon
-tension                                          pressure
tens/o                                              stretched, strained
tephr/o                                            gray (ashen)
terat/o                                              monster; malformed fetus
test/o                                               testis
tetan/o                                             tetanus
tetra-                                                four
thalam/o                                          thalamus
thalass/o                                         sea
thanat/o                                          death
the/o                                                put; place
thec/o                                              sheath
thel/o                                               nipple
therapeut/o                                    treatment
-therapy                                          treatment
therm/o                                           heat
thorac/o                                          chest
-thorax                                            chest; pleural cavity
three                                                tri-
thromb/o                                         clot
-tropia                                              to turn
thym/o                                             thymus gland
-thymia                                            mind (condition of)
-thymic                                            pertaining to mind
thyr/o                                               thyroid gland; sheild
thyroid/o                                         thyroid gland
tibi/o                                                 tibia (shin bone)
-tic                                                    pertaining to
toc/o                                                labor; birth
-tocia                                               labor; birth (condition of)
-tocin                                               labor; birth (a substance for)
tom/o                                               to cut
-tome                                               instrument to cut
-tomy                                               process of cutting
ton/o                                                tension
tone/o                                              to stretch
tonsill/o                                           tonsil
top/o                                                place; position; location
torso                                                twisted
tox/o                                                poison
toxic/o                                             poison
trache/o                                          trachea (windpipe)
trans-                                               across; through
traumat/o                                        trauma, injury, wound
trem/o, tremul/o                            shaking, trembling
-tresia                                              opening
tri-                                                     three
trich/o                                              hair
trigon/o                                           trigone (area within the bladder)
tri/o                                                   to sort out, sorting
-tripsy                                              to crush
troph/o                                            nourishment; development
-trophy                                            nourishment; development (condition of)
-tropia                                              to turn
-tropic                                              turning
-tropin                                             stimulate; act on
tub/o                                                tube
tumesc/o, -tumescence              swelling
tympan/o                                        tympanic membrane (eardrum); middle ear
-type                                                classification; picture
typhl/o                                             cecum, blindness
ule                    little; small
uln/o                 ulna (middle lower arm bone)
ul/o                   scar, scarring
ultra-                beyond; excess
-um                   structure; tissue; thing
umbilic/o         umbilicus (navel)
ungu/o             nail
uni-                   one
uran/o              palate
-uresis             urination
ur/o                   urine; urinary tract
ureter/o           ureter
urethr/o           urethra
-uria                  urination; condition of urine
uric/o               urine condition
urin/o               urine
-us                    structure; thing
uter/o               uterus (womb)
uve/o              uvea, vascu
vaccin/o                                          vaccine
vag/o                                               vagus nerve
vagin/o                                            vagina
valv/o                                              valve
valvul/o                                           valve
varic/o                                             varicose veins
vas/o                                               vessel; duct; vas deferens
vascul/o                                          vessel (blood)
ven/o                                               vein
ven/i                                                 vein
vener/o                                           venereal (sexual contact)
ventil/o                                            to aerate, oxygenate
ventr/o                                            belly side of body
ventricul/o                                      ventricle (of heart or brain)
venul/o                                            venule (small vein)
verm/i                                              worm
verruc/i                                           wart
-verse                                              to turn
-version                                          to turn
vers/o, -verse                                turn, turning
vertebr/o                                         vertebra (backbone)
vesic/o                                            urinary bladder
vesicul/o                                         seminal vesicle
vestibul/o                                       vestibule of the inner ear
vir/o                                                 virus
viscer/o                                           internal organs
vit/o                                                  life
vitr/o                                                vitreous body (of the eye)
vitre/o                                              glass
viv/o                                                 life
-volemia                                          blood volume
volv/o, volut/o                               to roll
vulv/o                                              vulva
ward                              in the direction of
-where                           location  e.g. anywhere
-wise                             direction  e.g. clockwise
with-                              together, united
xanth/o                                                           yellow
xen/o                                                              stranger, foreigner
xer/o                                                               dry, dryness
xiph/o or xiphi-                                             sword shaped
xylo-                                                                wood    e.g. xylum
xys-                                                                 file, scrape

y              condition; process
yalos       Glass
ydor        Water
-yne        ending for alkynes
yocto-     prefix: one septillionth part of; the factor 10: yoctosecond
yoeides   U-shaped
-yl           suffix - a monovalent hydrocarbon radical e.g. ethyl
-ylene     suffix - A bivalent organic radical
yper        Above
ypo         Under
ypsi         High
ystera     Uterus

zeo-            boil
zinco-         Pertaining to or containing the element zinc
zo/o            animal life
zon-            girdle, belt
zyg/o          union, junction, pair, yoke, tied together
zym/o         enzyme, ferment
-zyme         enzyme