Monday 17 August 2015

Basic Word Structure - Medical Terminology

Adenoma—cancer of glands
Adenopathy—condition of gland disease
Adenitis—Inflammation of glands
Anemia—condition of low red blood cells or abnormality of the hemoglobin within the red blood cells. This condition decreases the delivery of oxygen to the cells of the body
Arthralgia—joint pain
Arthritis—Inflammation of joints
Autopsy—a process of viewing by oneself. Hence, it is an examination of a dead body with one’s own eye to discover causes of death
Biology—process of study of life
Biopsy—living tissue of the body is removed for viewing under a microscope
Carcinogenic—pertaining to producing cancer
Carcinoma—a cancerous tumor
Cardiac—pertaining to heart
Cardiology—process of study of heart
Cephalic—pertaining to head
Cerebral—pertaining to cerebrum
Cystitis—urinary bladder infection
Cystoscopy—process of visual examination of urinary bladder
Cytology—process of study of cell
Dermatitis—inflammation of skin
Dermatology—process of study of skin
Diagnosis—complete knowledge
Electrocardiogram—record of electricity in the heart
Electroencephalogram—record of electricity in the brain
Endocrineglands—A gland that secretes a substance (a hormone) into the bloodstream pancreas, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and pituitary gland
Endocrinologist—specialist of endocrine gland
Endocrinology—process of study of endocrine glands
Endoscope—an instrument of below visual examination
Endoscopy—below visual examination
Enteritis—inflammation of small intestine
Enteropathy—disease of small intestine
Epidermis—above skin
Epigastric—pertaining to above stomach
Erythrocyte—red blood cell
Excision—process of removal of an organ
Exocrineglands—A gland that secretes a substance out through a duct. Sweat gland, a salivary gland, or a kidney
Gastrectomy—surgical incision of stomach
Gastric—pertaining to stomach
Gastroenterology—process of study of stomach and intestine
Gastrotomy—an act of cutting stomach
Gynecologist—specialist on female Reproductive system
Gynecology—process of study of female
Hematology—process of study of blood escapes from blood vessels and collects as a clot in a cavity or organ under a skin
Hematoma—mass of blood.
Hemoglobin—protein in blood
Hepatitis—inflammation of liver
Hepatoma—mass of liver
Hyperglycemia—excessive sugar in blood
Hyperthyroidism—over production of thyroid hormones
Hypodermic—pertaining to below skin
Hypogastric—pertaining to below stomach
Hypoglycemia—low sugar in blood
Iatrogenic—pertaining to producing treatment
Ileum—part of small intestine
Ilium—part of a hip bone
Incision—condition to cut
Leukemia—a progressive, malignant disease of the blood-forming organs, marked by distorted proliferation and development of leukocytes and their precursors in the blood and bone marrow
Leukocyte—white blood cell
Leukocytosis—condition of white blood cell
Nephrectomy—surgical incision of a kidney        
Nephritis—inflammation of kidney
Nephrology—process of study of kidneys
Nephrosis—condition of a kidney
Neuralgia—nerve pain
Neural—pertaining to nerve
Neurologic—pertaining to nervous system or neurology
Neurology—process of study of nervous system
Oncologist—specialists in tumor
Oncology—process of study of tumor
Ophthalmologist—specialist in ophthalmology (eye)
Ophthalmoscope—an instrument of visual examination of eye
Osteitis—inflammation of bones
Osteoarthritis—inflammation of bones and joints
Osteotomy—surgical incision of bone
Pathogenic—pertaining to produce disease
Pathologist—specialist in anatomic (structural) and chemical changes that occur with diseases.
Pathology—process of study of disease or anatomic and chemical changes
Pediatric—pertaining to the health of the children
Pericardium—The pericardium is the thin, sac-like membrane that surrounds the heart
Prognosis—before knowledge. It is prediction of the outcome of an illness, but it is always given after the diagnosis has been determined
Prostategland—a gland in male mammals that surrounds the neck of the bladder and urethra and secretes a liquid constituent of the semen
Psychiatrist—specialists in mind disorder and medication
Psychology—process of study of mind
Radiology—process of study of X- rays
Renal—pertaining to kidney
Resection—cutting back in a sense of removal
Retrocardiac—behind the heart
Rhinitis—inflammation in nose
Sarcoma—mass of flesh
Subhepatic—pertaining to below liver
Thrombocyte—blood clothing
Transhepatic—pertaining to across the liver
Urology—process of study of urinary bladder

Terms Pertaining to the Body as a Whole


Hypochondriac region—below the cartilage region   

Hypogastric region—below stomach region
Lumbar region—between the ribs and hipbone, There are 5 lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5)
Inguinal region—pertaining to groin region
Umbilical region—region of umbilicus
Epigastric region—region above the stomach


Cranial cavity—space in the head containing the brain and surrounded by the skull   

Thoracic cavity—space in the chest containing the heart, lungs, bronchial tubes and other organs
Abdominal cavity—below chest containing organs such as the liver, stomach, gallbladder and intestine      
Pelvic cavity—space below abdomen containing portions of intestines, rectum, urinary bladder, and reproductive organs
Pleural cavity—space between the folds of the pleura surrounding each lung
Spinal cavity—space within the spinal column containing the spinal cord


Frontal plane—divides the body or structure into anterior or posterior portions   

Sagittal plane—vertical plane dividing the body into left and right sides
Transverse plane—separate the body into upper and lower portions

Division of spinal column

Cervical—neck region (there are 7 vertebrae) C1-C7
Thoracic—chest region (T1- T12)
Lumbar—between the ribs and hipbone (L1 – L5)
Sacral--(S1- S5) sacrum
Coccygeal—the coccyx is a small bone composed of four fused pieces


Right upper quadrant (RUQ)—contain liver (right lobe), gallbladder, part of pancreas, parts of small and large intestine
Left upper quadrant (LUQ)—contain liver (left lobe), stomach, spleen, part of pancreas and part of small and large intestine
Right lower quadrant (RLQ)—contain parts of the small and large intestines, right ovary, right fallopian tube, appendix and right ureter
Left Lower Quadrant (LLQ)—contain parts of small and large intestines, left ovary, left fallopian tube and left ureter

Positional or Directional Terms    

Anterior—front side of the body
Posterior (Dorsal)—back of the body
Deep—away from the surface
Superficial—on the surface.
Proximal—near at the point of attachment to the trunk
Distal—far from the point of attachment to the trunk or far from the beginning of the structure              
Inferior—below another structure. The feet are at the inferior part of the body
Superior—above the structure
Medial—pertaining to middle
Lateral—pertaining to the side
Supine—lying on your back
Prone—lying on your belly


Abdomen—constitutes the part of the body between the thorax (chest) and pelvis
Adipose—fat tissue
Anabolism--(build up) occurs in endoplasmic reticulum, is the process of building large protein from small protein pieces called amino acid.
Cartilage—connective tissue
Catabolism--(break down) use nutrient and oxygen to release energy that is stored in food.
Caudal—away from the head or an inferior position.
Cell membrane—surrounds and protects the cell and regulates what passes through into and out of the cell
Cephalic—pertaining to head
Chondroma—mass of connective tissue
Chromosomes—rods like structures within the nucleus. It contains regions called genes.
Condrosarcoma—mass of flesh in connective tissue
Coccyx—tail bone
Cranial—pertaining to skull
Craniotomy—surgical incision of the skull
Cytoplasm—includes all the material outside the nucleus and enclosed by the cell membrane. It contain specialized apparatus to supply the chemical needs of the cell
Diaphragm—muscular wall that divides/separate the abdominal and thoracic cavities
Disk—pad of cartilage between vertebra
DNA—each gene contains a chemical called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
Endoplasmic reticulum—network of canals within the cytoplasm and manufacture proteins for the cell
Epithelial cells—skin cell cover the outside of the body. Square and flat to provide protection
Fat cell—contain large, empty space for fat storage
Genes—region of DNA within each chromosomes
Histology—specialist in tissue
Iliac—pertaining to ilium
Intervertebral—pertaining to between backbones
Karyotype—picture of chromosomes in the nucleus of the cell. it can determine whether chromosomes are normal
Larynx—voice box
Lumbosacral—pertaining to lumbar sacrum
Mediastinum—centrally located space outside and between the lungs
Metabolism—total of the chemical process in a cell. It includes catabolism and anabolism
Mitochondria—sausage shaped structures in the cytoplasm that provide the principal source of energy. Catabolism is the process that occur in mitochondria
Muscle cell—long and slender and contain fibres that aid in contracting and relaxing
Nerve cell—long have various fibrous extensions that aid in its jobs of carrying impulses
Nucleic—pertaining to nucleus
Nucleus—controls the operations of the cell. It directs the cell division and determines the structure and functions of the cell
Peritoneum—double folded membrane surrounded the abdominal cavity
Pituitary gland—endocrine gland at the base of the brain
Pleura—double folded membrane that surrounds the lungs
Ribosomes—attached to endoplasmic reticulum, which build long chains of proteins
Sacral—pertaining to sacrum
Sacrum—the triangular bone just below the lumbar vertebrae
Sarcoma—mass of flesh
Spinal column—bone tissues surrounding the spinal cavity (backbone, spine, vertebral column)
Spinal cord—nervous tissue within the spinal cord
Thoracotomy—surgical incision of chest wall
Thyroid gland—endocrine gland that surround the trachea in the neck
Tracheal—pertaining to trachea
Ureter—one of two tubes, each leading from single kidney to the urinary bladder
Urethra—tube from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body
Uterus—the womb
Ventral—pertaining to anterior or front side of the body
Vertebral—pertaining to vertebra
Viscera—internal glands
Visceral—pertaining to internal glands                 

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